From Passion to Platform

Musadiq Usman
4 min readApr 27, 2024


I hope to inspire someone out there, and who knows, it may be you. My eco-interest in plastic pollution management took me to Vienna, Austria, for free. Today’s write-up is divided into three sections. The first is about the proactive steps I took at the start; the second is a little bit about my research work; and the third and last is a throwback to my experience in Vienna.

Seizing Opportunities

At the start of my master program in environmental sciences at Wageningen, Netherlands, I already knew that I wanted to focus my thesis research on plastic pollution in Africa. So I did not wait until the time for thesis to begin to search for a supervisor. Rather, I started talking to people early enough, and of course I got referrals until I found a suitable supervisor who shared the same interests as I did. A tip here would be to first figure out a theme or a group of themes that you are most passionate about. Believe me when I say that thesis life can be very rough. It is preferable to work on a topic you love or like to an extent than something you have no interests in. Doing something you have no flare for or no interests in learning would double your pain. This is the hard truth.

When you eventually get a supervisor, do not be quiet on your expectations. It is important to share what outcomes you wish for. In my case, I was interested in sharing my work beyond the confines of the university. I clearly indicated interest and availability in attending a conference that would relate with my study and research. Fortunately, my proactive approach paid off when my supervisor alerted me to a conference opportunity midway through my thesis journey. I seized the chance and applied, setting the stage for an enriching experience.

My Research

The level of concern for plastic pollution within aquatic ecosystems has surged in recent years. Meanwhile, the African continent has been urbanizing more rapidly than other regions of the world, with many countries experiencing a shift from predominantly rural populations to having more than half of their populations living in urban areas. Despite the stunning rate of urbanization and the undeniable impact on plastic waste generation, I identified a striking knowledge gap yet to address how plastic pollution levels are changing and the role domestic waste management plays in reducing the export of plastics to African coastal waters. In my thesis, I integrated multiple methodologies, including modelling, qualitative analysis, and scenario development, to achieve my research objective. My findings provided for the very first time, a better understanding of the trends, and primary sources of both macro- and microplastic export by African rivers to African coastal waters. I developed scenarios specific to Africa and thus generated novel insights not only for the scientific communities but also for policymakers to support the formulation of plastic reductions strategies. Read my abstract HERE

Memories of Vienna

Fortunately, studying in an EU country meant I didn’t require a visa, making travel stress-free. The European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) took place at the Vienna International Center, providing me with firsthand experience of Vienna, Austria. I was allotted 10 minutes to present my research during the session, focusing on large-scale plastic transport and accumulation processes in freshwater. It was a privilege to engage with distinguished professionals and fellow scientists, exchanging insights and ideas. Each interaction served as a source of inspiration, reaffirming my dedication to creating a meaningful impact. This journey has taught me that dreams do come true when fueled by passion and perseverance. I attended other sessions as well and a few include:

· SC2.3 — Orals
Science for policy: Critical skills for policy engagement

· ITS4.10 — Orals
Climate extremes, ecosystems and society: impacts, cascades, systemic risk and resilience

· CL4.9 — Posters on site
Understanding sea level changes: global to local

· SC4.5 — Orals
Careers inside and outside of academia: panel discussion

· HS2.3.5 — Posters on site
Large scale plastic transport and accumulation processes in freshwater systems

Apart from my conference participation, you can trust that I explored the city of Vienna. My Instagram friends can attest. So, as a recap, valuable lessons I learned in this journey include the significance of aligning your thesis topic with a subject that resonates with you, never hesitating to express yourself, and seeking guidance. Dreams are the seeds of our future. I will not stop dreaming, and you should not stop either.



Musadiq Usman

I write and speak on environmental and sustainability issues. Why? I believe we are committing suicide by destroying the very ecosystem we depend on to survive